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International Sculpture Day

Per the ISC website, "International Sculpture Day (ISDay) is a worldwide celebration event to further the International Sculpture Center’s (ISC) mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. ISDay occurs on the last Saturday of April every year. Anyone or any organization with an appreciation and commitment to the field of sculpture is invited to participate."

There is no better time to renew your ISC membership and update your ISC Sculptors Portfolio.  There are currently over 240 opportunities listed for Sculptors.  DON'T DELAY!  

Your ISC membership provides you with:

•  Your listing on ISC Sculptors Portfolio
•  Access to Weekly Art Slams, Artists Talks, Sculpt ER - virtual critique sessions, opportunities to present your work for constructive dialogue while connecting with other sculptors.
•  Attend Free Workshops 
•  ISC Opportunities listings
•  Sculpture magazine
•  Access to Weekly Art Slams, Artists Talks, Sculpt ER - virtual critique sessions, opportunities to present your work for constructive dialogue while connecting with other sculptors.
•  Attend Free Workshops 

Plus, you get a chapter discount - 20% off Essential & Professional levels.

Sign In to your ISC member account or click here to renew your ISC membership.
(Contact for questions or assistance with logins/renewals)

Limited Time Offer: If your ISC membership has lapsed, take advantage of the lapsed member offer (50% off) to rejoin by emailing today.

Also, If you are a CSI member and have a sculpture-related special event planned to coincide with ISDAY ‘22, let us know and we’ll help get the word out! Send your information along with an image of your work or graphic to

April 22

"Mindscapes" at 3D4D Gallery

May 6

CSI and GRCC Fundraiser