November 2021
Welcome to the November 2021 Newsletter
You will find:
• Current and Upcoming 3D4D Gallery Events
• Creating Connection Conversation Series
• Chicago Tree Project News
• Member News, Welcomes and a Scientist's Call for Volunteers
This Month at 3D4D Gallery:
October 8 -November 5
Laurie LeBreton, Jill King, Bobbi Meier and Deirdre Colgan Jones
Closing Reception Friday November 5, 4-6 PM
including 3D4D CONVERSATIONS with the artists from 5-6 PM
12x12x12 Small Works
NOV 19 - DEC 19, 2021
Upcoming 3D4D Workshops
“Your artwork has been what?”
Tuesday, November 16th, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Preparing artwork to exhibit with Andi Crist
Friday, November 12th, 5:30pm
Workshop hosted with artist Gunjan Kumar
How well do you know your fellow CSI members' work?
Have you checked out fellow member profiles in the directory?
If you haven't, we strongly encourage you to do so!
CSI Indoor Exhibitions Committee launches a collection of conversations between CSI members. This series will feature artist-to-artist talks recorded on Zoom, a unique and timely format, and integrated into the Member Directory. It will provide an opportunity to make personal connections with your fellow artists, network, and promote you and your art in a supportive, virtual environment.
Please check out the website for more information and to check out the conversation between Yoonshin Park and Bryan Northup!
Member News
American Roulette
CSI member Dominic Sansone is having his work included in the traveling group exhibit, “AMERICAN ROULETTE” which was recently exhibited in Chicago and now heading to Las Vegas. The exhibit presents provocative artwork influenced by gun culture and violence.
“AMERICAN ROULETTE” runs from November 6th, 2021 through January 8th, 2022, with an opening reception on Saturday, November 6th, 6-9pm.
Vibrant Mechanisms: Kinetic and Sound Art.
Bridgeport Art Center’s Fourth Floor Gallery (1200 35th St., Chicago) will be exhibiting two sculptures by CSI member Howard Sandroff in VIbrant Mechanisms: Kinetic and Sound Art.
The show also features work by CSI members Zach Balousek and Carol Hammerman
The exhibit runs from November 19th, 2021 through January 7th, 2022.
The opening reception is November 19th from 7 to 10pm.
Being Bipolar in a Polarized World and The Thin Line
Highland Park Art Center ( 1957 Sheridan Rd. Highland Park) is also exhibiting another sculpture by Howard Sandroff along with sculptures by two other CSI members, Victoria Fuller and Doug DeWitt for the Being Bipolar in a Polarized World and The Thin LIne exhibit.
The exhibit runs from November 19th through December 30th, 2021.
The opening reception is December 3rd from 5:30-7:30pm
Outdoor Works
The Newest Addition to the Chicago Tree Project!: Nestful, 2021, a collaboration between CSI's president, Janet Austin, and 3D4D's Programming Coordinator, Emily Moorhead-Wallace.
190 reclaimed and repurposed wood birdhouses in a 100-year-old oak tree in Chicago's Lincoln Park. The birdhouse sculpture supports increased biodiversity, reflecting the city’s varied residents. The artists hope Nestful will provide shelter over the winter of 2021 and they look for family nesting next spring and for many springs to come.
Click to hear to learn more about the project.
Photo: Emily Moorhead-Wallace (left) and Jane Austin (right) standing next to their tree sculpture, Nestful.
Welcome New Members!
Black Tent Transit, Patrick Wilson
Samuel Schwindt and Patrick Wilson have joined the CSI ranks this month. A warm welcome to you both!
While you're here...
Have any news to share? Shows, awards, residencies et al.? Send the particulars along to, and we'll include them in an upcoming newsletter.
While you're at it, your profile and images on CSI’s website are important. When CSI applies for grants and upcoming shows, images are solely chosen from those you have uploaded to our website. Please take a minute to look over what you have posted and make sure you are presenting the best work. Member Shelley Gilchrist has volunteered to help you if you need it, so feel free to contact her.