CSI Project Space - Call for Art:
2D and 3D artwork by CSI members for upcoming exhibit:
Submission Deadline: Monday, May 29, Memorial Day at Midnight
Opening Reception: Friday, June 16, 6-9pm.
Exhibition Dates: June 16 – July 28, 2023
What does it mean to be alive and a part of Nature?
All animal and vegetable tissues are made up of a complex collection of cells endlessly at work generating energy for life. In this sense, there is no life without action.
All these little parts and drops of goodness ignite the living in our world illuminated by the energy of the sun.
We are not mere observers taking measurements and making plans. We are a structured and complex stimulus being, emerged within the patterns and cycles of Nature. These connections and patterns along with their cycles are expressed as a whole through the living. This experience of life, however interconnected and reliant upon parts both big and small, is inevitably singularly perceived.
Alive is an exhibit of 2D and 3D artwork that explores the patterns and connections found in life which embrace Nature.
Exhibiting Artists:
Sam Abrahamson | Yesenia Arroyo | Janet Austin | Lynn Basa | Nicole Beck | Yeong Choi | Bethany Cordero | David Curry | Victor Edwards | Victoria Fuller | Heidi Jensen | Jill King | Victoria Kowalczyk | Alison Mosher | Julia Paloma | Lori Rozdolsky | Paul Russell | Stephanie Sailer | Olya Salimova | Sorin Sukumaran | Diane Feldpausch Tang | Nancy VanKanegan | Vivian Visser
Curated by Micki LeMieux
CSI Project Space
1912 N. Damen Ave.
Chicago, IL
(at the corner of Cortland and Damen, in the Bucktown neighborhood)
Gallery hours: Fridays-Saturdays, 1-6pm and by appointment.
For questions about the gallery or exhibits: info@chicagosculpture.org
Pick up Work: Sat/Sun, July 29 – 30, 1-6pm
Gallery of works featured in the Alive exhibit
The artwork in this exhibit is available for purchase directly from the artists.
For inquiries, please contact: info@chicagosculpture.org
Sam Abrahamson, "Fish I", Mild Carbon Steel Freehand plasma cut, 20 x 17 in. - talismanmetal.com
Sam Abrahamson, "Jellyfish", Mild carbon steel formed with a combination of both hot and cold working processes, 48 x 15 in. - talismanmetals.com
Yesenia Arroyo, "Don't Forget", Colored pencil, 22 x 26 in. instagram.com/artwithyesenia
Yesenia Arroyo, "Eternal?", Charcoal, 18 x 24 in. instagram.com/artwithyesenia
Janet Austin, "Butterfly Egg", Cast bronze and blown glass, 6 x 5 x 5 in. - janetaustinart.com
Janet Austin, "Emergence", Cast bronze and blown glass, 3 x 4 x 4 in. - janetaustinart.com
Janet Austin, "Insect Egg", Cast bronze and blown glass, 7 x 4 x 4 in. - janetaustinart.com
Lynn Basa, "Sea Fossil", Glazed stoneware, 5 x 6 x 5 in. - lynnbasa.com
Nicole Beck, "Crackle", Ceramic, 6 x 3 x 1 in. - nicolebeck.com
Nicole Beck, "Hummingbird", Ceramic, 5 x 3 x 1 in. - nicolebeck.com
Yeong Choi, "Life-Bull", Oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in. instagram.com/yeongchoiart
Yeong Choi, "Life-Oneness", Oil on canvas, 28 x 22 in. instagram.com/yeongchoiart
Bethany Cordero, "The Maintenance of Equalibrium", Welded steel armature/glazed ceramic tiles, 16 x 6 x 5.5 in. - bethanycordero.com
David Curry, "Glory to the Mountain Lion", Patinated steel, 18 x 30 x 14 in. - davidcurrymetals.com
Victor Edwards, "IYKYK", Bronze, 6.5 x 4 x 3 in. instagram.com/ultraspacecadet
Victoria Fuller, "Natural Resources", Wood, wire, epoxy clay, acrylic, 24 x 24 x 24 in. - victoriafullerart.com
Victoria Fuller, "Sunflower Pollen", Epoxy clay, styrofoam, wire screen, acrylic paint, clear coat, 16 in. diameter - victoriafullerart.com
Jill King, "Hurricane", Welded steel rods, sewn fabrics coated with acrylic medium, Metal Effects paint, acrylic transfers, 5' x 4'7" x 15" - jillkingstudio.com
Victoria Kowalczyk, "Evolution", Metal with patina, 19 x 12 x 4 in. - victoriablu.com
Heidi Jensen, "Colony", Canvas forms stuffed with kapok fiber, 50 x 29 x 6 in. - heidijensen.com
Heidi Jensen, "Colony II", Screen prints on canvas, stuffed with kapok fiber, 40 x 30 x 4 in. - heidijensen.com
Alison Mosher, "Outburst", Oil on canvas, 19.5 x 23.5 in. https://alisonjaya.wixsite.com/portfolio
Julia Paloma, "Bronze Goddess", Cast bronze, concrete, patina, 18 x 15 x 12 in. - instagram.com/juliamisformetal
Lori Rozdolsky, "MaMa", Stoneware, 5 x 9 x 4 in. www.instagram.com/lorirozdolsky/
Paul Russell, "Twins", Steel, plaster, 61 x 40 x 40 in. - instagram.com/thechicagoblacksmith
Stephanie Sailer, "Activation", 3D-printed plastic, shoe polish, felt, teeth, 6 x 9 x 4 in. stephaniesailer.com
Stephanie Sailer, "Hungry to Be Human", Hammered copper, plastic, fabric, 11 x 24 x 16 in. stephaniesailer.com
Olya Salimova, "Sustenance", Beeswax, faux fur, paracord, and gear, 30 x 8 x 8 in. - olyasalimova.com
Sorin Sukumaran, "Nest Box", Lithograph print, 11 x 15 in. http://zephyrenn.weebly.com
Sorin Sukumaran, "Palaeoplethodon Hispaniolae", Lithograph print, 15 x 22 in. - http://zephyrenn.weebly.com
Sorin Sukumaran, "Symplocos Kowalewskii", Lithograph print, 11 x 15 in. - http://zephyrenn.weebly.com
Diane Feldpausch Tang, "A Natural Beauty", Cast glass and bees wax… A collaboration with honey bees, Dimensions variable - dianetangfeldpausch.com
Nancy VanKanegan, "Golgi Folds", Glazed porcelain, glass, 6 x 10 x 5 in. nancyvankanegan.net
Vivian Visser, "Compromising", Willow and plumosum, 16 x 15 x 11 in. vivianviser.com
Vivian Visser, "Wellspring", Stoneware, 13 x 9.5 x 2 in. www.vivianviser.com