Evanston Arts Council
The lakefront city of Evanston, which borders Chicago and is the home of Northwestern University, has had a history of exhibiting public art.
Beginning in 2020, the Evanston Arts Council has chosen sculptures by CSI members to be displayed in Evanston parks.
Visit the Evanston Arts Council Website →
Sculpture by Stephanie Sailer
Quinlen Park: Tess Little, "By the Light of the Moon*, Stainless and rusted steel, 9' x 5" x 2.5’ (2024-2026 exhibition season)
Quinlen Park: Tess Little, "By the Light of the Moon*, Stainless and rusted steel, 9' x 5" x 2.5’ (2024-2026 exhibition season)
Harbert Park: Ray Katz, "Astral Projection / Tri Color", Painted steel, 14'6' x 12' x 11' (2023-2025 exhibition season)
Harbert Park: Ray Katz, "Astral Projection / Tri Color", Painted steel, 14'6' x 12' x 11' (2023-2025 exhibition season)
Eiden Park: David Skora, "The Geometry of Space", Welded fabricated polychromed steel, 74” x 72” x 22” in. (2023-2025 exhibition season)
Eiden Park: David Skora, "The Geometry of Space", Welded fabricated polychromed steel, 74” x 72” x 22” in. (2023-2025 exhibition season)
Twiggs Park: "Bloom" by Micki LeMieux and Jeremy Plotkin Wong, 6’8” x 2’6” x 20”, Steel, epoxy and bronze (2023-2025 exhibition season)
Elliot Park: Janet Austin, "Attached", Cor-ten steel, powder-coated steel, copper and glass mosaic, 8' x 5.5' x 6'
Elliot Park: Janet Austin, "Attached" (detail), Cor-ten steel, powder-coated steel, copper and glass mosaic, 8' x 5-1/2' x 6'
Quinlan Park: Stephanie Sailer, "Willow Dust", Rusted steel and paint, 6' x 4' x 4' (On exhibit 2021-2024)
Quinlan Park: Stephanie Sailer, "Willow Dust", Rusted steel and paint, 6' x 4' x 4', (On exhibit 2021-2024)
Gail Simpson, "Magical Thinking" (detail), Cedar, foam, steel, 12' x 6' x 6' (Deinstalled/2021-2023 Exhibition Season)
Eiden Park: Gail Simpson, "Magical Thinking", Cedar, foam, steel, 12' x 6' x 6' (Deinstalled/2021-2023 Exhibition Season)
Deinstalled Sculptures
Twiggs Park: Andrew Arvanetes, "Strut", Painted Aluminum, 120" x 48 w x 54" [Deinstalled 2022]
Harbart Park: Terry Karpowicz, "Let's Get Going", Steel and polymer, 12-1/2' x 4' x 5' [Deinstalled 2022]