“Miniature Parks”
Workshop with Lathrop Homes Boys and Girls group
Summer 2022
MIniature Parks was a virtual workshop led by artist and CSI Vice President of Development and Education, Anthony Heinz May where young artists created miniature parks using simple materials of sawdust, paint, glue, clay, found twigs and paper cut leaves. Each student created their own unique, colorful version of a miniature park while discussing the importance of trees, parks and outdoor environment through various forms of ecopedagogy. Young artists were able to take their completed artworks home with them at the end of the workshop.
"It was great to work with the kids of Lathrop Homes and discuss how their artistic creations contribute to a greener and healthier future. I learned that children are very aware of the importance of nature. Using trees as a focal point for their understanding of how nature and natural cycles work, this workshop helped foster collective solutions for how art can be a tool for change." - Anthony H. May