“Wooden Ships”

Date of workshop: February 1, 2023
Facilitator: Kara Cobb Johnson
Location: Arts of Life

We set sail on another fun art project workshop; Wooden Ships held at Arts of Life.

On September 22nd, Kara Johnson worked with a new organization for CSI called Arts of Life, where she facilitated a workshop with 5 participants on-site, an additional 3 from their homes via Zoom, and 7 more in Chicago at large (also via Zoom).

Based on a larger work entitled "Wooden Ships" by teaching artist Kara Cobb Johnson, this in-person or online workshop introduced a sculptural assembly technique of painted planes. Students were encouraged to use their own artistic aesthetic to embellish rough altered disc shapes and create new assembled forms viewable from all angles. Student artists had fun discussing both fictional and real narratives that arise from these works with classmates.

The participants responded to the workshop saying, "It is so beautiful!" "Look at the sky above my boat." "I want mine with the three pieces too!" Kara said, "This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain such insight about the work that happens at Arts of Life!" Participants asked, "What are we doing next week?" at the end of the workshop, which leads to a question for CSI members. In contribution to success of CSI's education outreach program:

What ideas do YOU have for a workshop that you would like to lead?
Please reach out to Anthony at anthonyheinzmay@chicagosculpture.org with your ideas.

Thank you to those who have shown interest and keep up the great work!


“Have Your Art And Eat It Too”


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