Chicago Park District
2019 Sculptures
Chicago Sculpture International members in collaboration with Chicago Park District helped create this year's Sculpture in the Parks. Artists were chosen for their large-scale outdoor works that are suitable for year-round Midwest weather. In 2019 we installed ten new sculptures in Austin Town Hall and Berger, Calumet, Indian Boundary, Jackson, Lincoln, Marquette, Piotrowski, Ridge, and Tuley Parks. Also in 2019, we deinstalled at Austin Town Hall and Douglass, Hamilton, Humboldt, Indian Boundary, Lincoln, Piotrowski, Marquette, Ridge, and West Pullman Parks.
Participating CSI Sculptors:
Austin Town Hall: Plamen Yordanov, Infinity (Tribute to Brancusi), 2019-2021 exhibition season
Berger Park: Harry McDaniel, A Refusal to Stop and Ask for Directions, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Calumet Park: Nathan Pierce, Ground Control, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Indian Boundary Park: Christina Murphy, Bountiful Bench, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Jackson Park: Ray Katz, Red Green, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Lincoln Park: Jesse Sinisi, Sheltered Youth, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Marquette Park: Carl Billingsley, PC Column, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Piotrowski Park: Nathan Pierce, Lifted, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Ridge Park: William O’Brien, Untitled, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Tuley Park: Ray Katz, Astral Projection, 2019-2021 exhibition season
Deinstalled Sculptures:
Austin Town Hall: Ted Sitting Crow Garner, Birds of Fire, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Douglass Park: Paul Russell, Ancient Protocol, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Hamilton Park: Hilde DeBruyne, Wings, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Humboldt Park: Dusty Folwarczny, Scrape, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Indian Boundary Park: Nicole Beck, Chicago Peace Tree, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Lincoln Park: Terry Karpowicz, Pandora’s Shepherd, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Piotrowski Park: Andrew Arvanetes, Mobile Home, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Marquette Park: Dora Natella, Sentinel, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Ridge Park: Tess Little, Moon Spirit, 2017-2019 exhibition season
West Pullman Park: Janet Austin, Dear Deer, 2017-2019 exhibition season
Austin Town Hall: Plamen Yardanov, “Infinity (Tribute to Brancusi)”, 8 x 4 x 3 ft.
Austin Town Hall: Plamen Yardanov, “Infinity (Tribute to Brancusi)”, 8 x 4 x 3 ft.
Berger Park: Christina Murphy, "Bountiful Bench", bronze, 55 x 48 x 47 in.
Berger Park: Christina Murphy, "Bountiful Bench", bronze, 55 x 48 x 47 in.
Berger Park: Harry McDaniel, “A Refusal to Stop and Ask for Directions”, Aluminum, 80 x 30 x 30 in.
Berger Park: Harry McDaniel, “A Refusal to Stop and Ask for Directions”, Aluminum, 80 x 30 x 30 in.
Calumet Park: Nathan Pierce, "Ground Control", Structural steel, 13 x 17 x 10 ft.
Jackson Park: Ray Katz, "Red Green", Painted steel, 14 x 12 x 11 ft.
Lincoln Park: Jesse Sinisi, “Sheltered Youth”, Steel, wood, concrete, 6 x 4 x 4-1/2 ft.
Lincoln Park: Jesse Sinisi, “Sheltered Youth”, Steel, wood, concrete, 6 x 4 x 4-1/2 ft.
Marquette Park: Carl Billingsley, “PC Column”, 12 x 3 x 2 ft.
Marquette Park: Carl Billingsley, “PC Column”, 12 x 3 x 2 ft.
Piotrowski Park: Nathan Pierce, “Lifted”, Steel, 12 x 6 x 6 ft.
Piotrowski Park: Nathan Pierce, “Lifted”, Steel, 12 x 6 x 6 ft.
Ridge Park: William O’Brien, “Untitled”, Painted steel, 9 x 2 x 2 ft.
Ridge Park: William O’Brien, “Untitled”, Painted steel, 9 x 2 x 2 ft.
Tuley Park: Ray Katz, “Astral Projection”, Painted steel, 14 x 12 x 11 ft.
Tuley Park: Ray Katz, “Astral Projection”, Painted steel, 14 x 12 x 11 ft.
Deinstalled Sculptures
Terry Karpowicz, "A New Beginning", Granite, steel, polymer, 10' x 3' x 3' (Ridge Park, 2021-2023 season)
Michael Magnotta, "We", Mild steel, natural patina, 12' x 6' (Tuley Park, 2021-2023 season)
Michael Magnotta, "We", Mild steel, natural patina, 12' x 6' (Tuley Park, 2021-2023 season)
David Skora, "Shape Shifter", powder coated steel, 8' x 4' x 4' (Austin Town Hall, 2021-2023 Season)
David Skora, "Shape Shifter", powder coated steel, 8' x 4' x 4' (Austin Town Hall, 2021-2023 Season)
Ruth Migdal
Whit Poor
Terry Karpowicz | West Pullman Park
Terry Karpowicz
Maureen Gray
Ron Gard
Ron Gard
Jim Gallucci
Hamilton Park: Richard Pitts, "Whirlwind"
Hamilton Park: Richard Pitts, "Red Ribbon"
Michael Brown
Michael Brown
Palmer Park: "Ego Bind" by Kara James
South Shore Cultural Center: Kai Schulte, "Harmony", Grade 304 stainless steel, 12' x 4' x 4'