Chicago Park District
2014 Sculptures
Chicago Sculpture International members in collaboration with Chicago Park District helped create this year's Sculpture in the Parks. Artists were chosen for their large-scale outdoor works that are suitable for year-round Midwest weather. In 2016 we installed 5 new sculptures at Austin Town Hall and Douglass, Humboldt, Marquette. and West Pullman Parks.
Participating CSI Sculptors:
Marquette Park: Charles Yost, Pipe Basket, 2014-2015 exhibition season
Douglass Park: Ruth Aizuss Migdal, Whirling Dervish, 2014-2015 exhibition season
West Pullman Park: Terry Karpowicz, Prairie Needle, 2014-2015 exhibition season
Austin Town Hall: Les Bruning, Green America (Love/Embrace), 2014-2015 exhibition season
Humboldt Park: Christopher Newman, Folding Forms, 2014-2015 exhibition season